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■研究開発経歴 / R&D History ![]() ・ 経歴 / History ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ・野鳥撮影 / Bird Photograph |
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■研究経歴 / R&D career ■学会活動 / Academic activities ■専門分野 / Professional field ■GTプロジェクト / GT Project ■オリオン・プロジェクト / Orion Pj. |
[主要更新] '17-3-15:インターリンク・マイドメイン1000からマイサーバー1000に移行 '16-11-14:本サイト再構築 '10-9-2: 「お知らせ」を本欄に移動 '09-2-4: 「受賞」追加 '05-6:原www.suna.cc開設 |
1967〜69年 1969〜90年 1973〜74年 1980年11月 1990〜 96年 1996〜98年 1998年10月 2003〜09年 2007年4月 2009年3月 |
東北大学工学部電子工学科卒、続いて電子工学専攻修士課程修了 ◆Siエピタキシャル成長層の欠陥観察の研究に従事 日立製作所中央研究所勤務 ◆多層配線、CCD、DRAM、三次元LSI、プロセスCADの研究開発に従事 米国スタンフォード大学客員研究員 ◆光電子分光法による半導体表面の研究 東北大学より工学博士授与:「MOS酸化膜形成とスケールダウンMOSデバイスの研究」 日立製作所半導体事業部勤務 ◆移動無線デバイス開発およびメモリ開発の推進 ◆256メガビットDRAM共同設計の推進(米国T社出向、テキサス州ダラス市、1年半) 日立製作所中央研究所勤務 ◆1ギガビットDRAM共同開発の推進 広島大学ナノデバイス・システム研究センター教授 ◆ナノメータデバイス・プロセスの研究に従事、光集積回路向けデバイスに興味 次世代半導体材料技術研究組合(CASMAT)・技術顧問 ◆多層配線材料の評価に対するデバイス面からの技術支援 半導体・バイオ融合集積化技術の構築プトジェクト、特任教授 ◆テラビットメモリセル共同開発の推進 退職 |
1967〜 69 1969〜 90 1973〜74 1980-11 1990〜96 1996〜98 1998-10 2003〜09 2007-4 2009-3 |
B.S.E.E : Tohoku University, M. S. E. E.: Tohoku University ◆Defect observation for silicon epitaxial layer Joined Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd. ◆Subjects: multi-level metallization, CCD, DRAM, three-dimensional IC, process CAD Research associate at Stanford Electric Laboratories ◆Semiconductor surface characterization with photoemission spectroscopy Ph.D from Tohoku University, "Study in MOS oxide formation and scaled MOS devices" Joined Semiconductor Division, Hitachi Ltd. ◆Development of mobile communication devices and promotion of semiconductor memories ◆Promotion of 256-Mbit DRAM development with Texas Instrument, Inc. for 1.5 years at Dallas Joined Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd. ◆ Joint promotion of 1-Gbit DRAM development with Mitsubishi and Texas instruments Professor, Research Center for Nanodevices and Systems, Hiroshima University ◆Study in nanometer devices and processes and devices for optical integrated circuits Consultant, Consortium for Advanced Semiconductor Materials and Related Technologies(CASMAT) ◆Device-conscious advice for evaluation of materials used in multi-level metallization system Professor of special appointment, Semiconductor and Bio Integration project ◆Joint development of terabit memory cell Retired. |
学会活動 / Academic activities
所属学会 | 応用物理学会(Fellow、元理事) 電子情報通信学会(Fellow) IEEE(Fellow、2003年-2004年:広島セクション支部長) IEEE Life Fellow(2016年1月) |
1983 1983-84 1986-87 1986 1986 1987-90 1989-90 1990 1990-91 1998-00 2001-02 2003-04 |
European Solid-State Device Conference 通信会員 IEEE IEDM論文委員会委員 固体素子材料コンファレンス論文委員会委員 招待講演、International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems and Applications (VLSI TSA) 招待講演、IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting VLSIシンポジユーム論文委員会委員 応用物理学会 理事 招待講演、Semiconductor Specialists Conference VLSIシンポジユーム・セクレタリー 「応用物理」編集委員 IEEE広島チャプター理事 IEEE広島チャプター支部長 |
Academic societies | * The Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP)(Fellow、former director) * The Institute of Electronics, Informatiuon and Communication Engineers (IEICE)(Fellow) * IEEE(Fellow、2003-2004: Chair in Hiroshima Section) * Life Fellow, of IEEE, January 2016. |
1983 1983-84 1986-87 1986 1986 1987-90 1989-90 1990 1990-91 1998-00 2001-02 2003-04 |
Corresponding member, European Solid-State Device Conference Program committee member, IEEE IEDM Program committee member, Conference on Solid-State Devices and Materials Invited talk at International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems and Applications (VLSI TSA) Invited talk at IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting Program committee member, VLSI symposium Director, The Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP) Invited talk at Semiconductor Specialists Conference Secretrary, VLSI Symposium Editing member, "Oyo Butsuri" published by JSAP Director, Hiroshima Section of the IEEE Chair, Hiroshima Section of the IEEE |
専門分野 / Professional field
・シリコン集積回路におけるプロセス・デバイス研究開発 ・Research and development of processings and devices in silicon integrated-circuits technologies |
GTプロジェクト |
■ ダラス生活
In 1994, my companyi and American T company decided to start a joint development of 256-Mbit DRAM in Dallas, Texas. As my company was looking for a candidate to manage the group of circuit engineers, I recommended myself as their manager. Even though I did not have design skills, I was chosen as the manager because we should take into consideration relations between circuits and processes and no one recommended oneself but me. I went thre in August 1994. Besides me, four genuine circuit engineers joined the project in Dallas.
■Design Culture
The circuit design has been carried out with almost complete manner of labour division. As system becomes larger, the laboir divison will be complete, then mutual cooperation becomes more and more serious. A system strongly depending on individual performance may be efficient somehow, but it may not promise the success.
Same as the process development is. Engineers in my company must frequently go to factory and understand what's going on. Excellent engineers exactly point out origins of failures. It's not the case in T-companyI. Data should be rigidly gathered as much as possible. Based on that piled up documents, origins of failures are discussed on desk.
I can not judge which nis better. Provided that one excellent engineer can understand failures, my company's method is more efficient. As based on past experience, he can easily point them out. But the system becomes more complicated and the mutual relation between various kinds of phenomena becomes unclear, he will not be able to handle them properly. Particularly, phenomena which he does not experience in the past happen, he can not make a descision at all.
Today, it gets obvious which is better. As a present integrated circuit system is more and more complicated using various kinds of materials, systematic method only survives. It is very reasonable that inspection system in factory becomes very important and its cost has increased so much.
Troubles in big system in Japan have sometimes announced in mass media, mutual rlations between components may not be inspected systematically, I suspect. A certain rumor of "Japanese engineers can not handle a system consisting of more than one million componets " may still exist. This may be true in social community lives and various kinds of human affairs.
■ Living in Dallas
At that time, Dallas was the fastest growing city in all over the US. Apartment houses have been continuously built in northern part of Dallas. When we borrowed houses, they located at the north end of Dallas city. One and half years later, the north end was extended far to the north from our houses. The reason why it happened, people who tire of higher living cost in California were moving from there and headquarters of big companies and venture businesses were established in Dallas.
In USA, as a city is growing, various infrastructures become enriched resulting in the growrth of maintenance people. Then a part of the city becames slum. There is no exception in big cities such as New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, etc. It is illegal at inteview for job to ask applicant's address. The address mayimpy applicant's level of living.
We could not take a long vacation, we did not go on a long trip. Once we went to Rio Grande river and passed over the Mexico and US border buying souvenirs. The Rio Grande river was very wide when we take a look at in western films. But this river was only 10-m wide. We can go accross the river onfoot. It is underatandabel that a lot of illegal immigrants, even children, come accross the river.But, after the crossing, they should walk for a very long distance accross the desert towards the nearest house . This becomes substantially the barrier. Tracks running around there are often inspected by police for suspecting of carrying illegal immigrants.
As I was not able to design circuits, I devoted myself to administration. I made Dallas maps. I was originally fond of maps and like to investigate what are there around us. This map was spreading to a lot of Japanese families in Dallas. I remember that I was appreciatd by strangers sometimes.
オリオン・プロジェクト |
三社が集まって共同開発すると、参加しているエンジニアはみな自分の属してした会社のカルチャーを背負っているから、1+1+1が3以上になることもあれば、2以下になることもある。一社当たりの 開発費用は少なくとも半分以下になるから、会社運営の上では大きなメリットがある。そのために困難を想定しながらも共同開発を選択し、遂行するのである。他社から得られる有益な情報も多い。その一つを「分業文化」に記載した。
三社も集まると目標を設定するときに、相対的に最も挑戦的なグループ、最も保守的なグループ、そしてその中間的な中庸路線を採るグループがでてくる。単独で決定するより時間がかかるが、より大きな問題はー最も保守的なところが決定権を握る一ことであろう。「そんな挑戦的な目標を掲げて、実現できることを保証するのですか?」と問われれば、答えに窮する。挑戦的であるということはとりもなおさず「リスキー」であるからである。インテルの創始者の一人、Andrew S. Grove氏が「High risk, high return」という本を著わして米国の半導体工業の隆盛を説明したことを思い出す。日本が米国の後追いをしている間はいいが、先頭を走ろうと思ったら挑戦的に出なければならないだろう。これは何も半導体に限ったことではなく、先端的な工業全体にあてはまる経営態度だと思う。
テキサスインスツルメンツ社が抜けてオリオン・プロジェクトは瓦解した。残った日立と三菱は解散するが、日立のメモリ部門はNECと組んでエルピーダメモリを立ち上げ、その他の部門は再び三菱と組んでルネサスを分社化した。その他の日本の電気電子企業の半導体部門は売却されたり、合従連衡を行ったりしている。激動の時代に突入した。今後もこの動きは続くだろう。半導体の先端開発は、世界的に見て、インテル系、IBM系、TSMC系の三つに集約されつつあるといわれる。 <2008.11.14記>
Three semiconductor companies got together and started co-development of 1-G bit dynamic-random-access-memory at Kokuibunji, Tokyo in 1996. The project name of "Orion" was named after three stars at a belt of the constellation of Orion. But soon after the settlement of the project, some company came out and then the project was fallen down. Losing my job, I left Hitachi and moved to Hiroshima in October 1998.
<Combination of three companies>
Since project members have been trained with diffrent own company's culture, co-development will sometime be very efficient or sometime be inefficient like 1+1+1 is greater than 3 or less than 2, respectively. As the development cost by one company is at least reduced down to 1/2, the management can take considerable benefit from the cost point of view. Therefore, they want to carry co-development even if there may exist various kinds of dificulties. While, they can get beneficial information from other comnanies. Some example is descibed in "Labour division".
Three companies get together, three differenet attitudes are created to eatablish a development target: most challenging, moderate, and consrvative. They need more time to set it up. Most serious problem may be that the most conservative group will be possess the casting vote. If the group says "do you guarantee the success with such a challengingn target?", other two group will be at a loss for the answer. Of course, most challenging target will be risky anyway. I remember Andrew S. Grove, as one of cofounders of Intel, wrote a book "High risk, high return" in which he explained enormous growth of US industry. While Japanese companies are chasing the US, they need not neccessarily be challenging. If they want be top runners, they should be challenging taking high risk. This attitude is not limited to semiconductor industry.
Soon after Texas Instrument Inc. came out, Orion project was fallen down. Then remaining Hitachi and Mitsubishi were separated. Memory divion of Hitachi founded Elpida memory with NEC and the rest part of Hitachi established Renesus with Mitsubishi. Concerning other semiconductor divisions of Japanese companies, some was sold to others, some establish a new company with other company. Violent change began. As a grobal movement, semeiconductor R&D groups are put together to three ones of Intel, IBM, and TSMC