   それが、1999年に提案した「自由電子(フリーキャリア)吸収による光モジュレータ」であり、2006年に初めて動作に成功した。2007年にはさらに高い効率で動作した。このアイディアは我々が世界に先駆けて発案したと考えていたが、論文投稿した際のレフリーから1991年に同じアイディアが既に論文発表されていたことを2008年8月に知る(G. V. Treyz, Paul G. May, Jean-Marc Halbout, "Silicon Optical Modulators at 1.3 μm Based on Free-Carrier Absorption," IEEE Electron Dev Lett., Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 276-278, June 1991)。まあ、結果として光には素人だった私が過去のR&D動向を知らずに考え出したことだからその危険性はあったが、あらためて研究着手時の調査が重要であることを悟った。下記にR&Dの経緯を述べる。

(a) 鳥瞰図       (b) 断面図
図1 Siビームチャネルトランジスタ

図2 多結晶Siで覆われた31本のSiビーム

図3 2000年9月・秋季応用物理学会に発表した光スイッチの提案

 光スイッチとしての動作は成功しなかった。おそらく唯一最大の原因はSOI(silicon-on-insulator) 基板を用いなかったことであろう。研究着手時にSOI基板が入手できなかったことが直接の原因であるが、レーザー光と光路の位置的合わせ精度を甘く考えていたことも遠因である。入射した赤外光がほとんどSi基板側に抜けてしまい、くし状のビーム内に留まらなかった結果である。くし型トランジスタを試作する時間はなかったが、SOI中にが閉じ込められて伝搬する状態は図4に示すように確かめた。
 本来の目的は成功しなかったが、ビームチャネルトランジスタとしての動作は満足できるものであり、 三次元トランジスタの項で述べたごとくトランジスタとしての動作を発表した。この研究から三次元トランジスタ研究が始まった。

図4 SOI層中を伝搬して出射した1.55mm赤外光出力(赤外ビデオカメラ出力)
● T. Furukawa, H. Yamashita, and H. Sunami, “Corrugated-Channel Transistor (CCT) for Area-Conscious Applications,” Extended Abstracts of International Symp. on Solid State Devices and Materials, Abs. No. A-3-2, pp. 139-140, Nagoya, Sept. 17-19, 2002.
● T. Furukawa, H. Yamashita,?and H. Sunami, “A Proposal of Corrugated-Channel Transistor (CCT) with Vertically-Formed Channels for Area-Conscious Applications,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 42, Part 1, No. 4B, pp. 2067-2072, April 2003.

 そこで、導電性がありかつ可視光で透明なITO(indium tin oxide)の適用を考えたが、もともとSiに比べれば汚染されたITOのような”汚い“材料をSi集積プロセスに持ち込むのは問題であるので他の材料を考えた。また、Alは反射率が高いので望ましいように考えられるが、導電率が高い分フリーキャリアも多く望ましくない。検討結果の一部を図5に示す。

図5 最適クラッド材料の選択

図6 導波路屈曲部の最適化

図7 SOI導波路からの1.55mm出射光

 そこで、もっとも制御しやすく集積プロセスとの相性のよい多結晶シリコンをクラッドとして選択した。 コアとの間に適当な厚さのシリコン酸化膜を挟むことによって多結晶シリコン中のフリーキャリアの影響を少なくする構造を設定した。
 また、入射光が直接出力光に加わらないように導波路を90度まげるので、最適な形状を選択した。図5に示すものではNo. 1が最も優れていた。 検討結果を総合して 導波路を設計し、低い吸収率で赤外光が伝搬することを確認した。図7に出射光の例をを示す。円形のビームが連なって見えるが、光がマルチモードで伝搬していることを表している。

● M. Kawai, K. Endo, T. Tabei, and H. Sunami, “An Experimental Analysis of 1.55-mm Infrared Light Propagation in Integrated SOI Structure,” Extended Abstracts of International Symp. on Solid State Devices and Materials, Abs. No. P7-1, pp. 556-557, Tokyo, Sept. 15-17, 2004.

図8 試作した導波路と光出力

図9 モジュレーション結果

図10 モジュレーションのゲート印加電圧依存性

● Tomoki Hirata, Kenta Kajikawa, Tetsuo Tabei, and Hideo Sunami, “Proposal of a Silicon Optical Modulator Based on Inversion-Carrier Absorption,” Extended Abstracts of International Symp. on Solid State Devices and Materials, pp. 280-281, Tokyo, Sept. 19-21, 2007.
● Tomoki Hirata, Kenta Kajikawa, Tetsuo Tabei, and Hideo Sunami, “Proposal of a Metal-Oxide- Semiconductor Silicon Optical Modulator Based on Inversion-Carrier Absorption,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 47, No. 4, pp. 2906-2909, 2008.

図11 試作した導波路と光出力

図12 モジュレーション結果

図13 モジュレーションのゲート印加電圧依存性

● Kenta Kajikawa, Tetsuo Tabei, and Hideo Sunami, “Silicon Optical Modulator Based on Accumulation-Carrier Absorption of Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Capacitor Waveguide,” Extended Abstracts of International Symp. on Solid State Devices and Materials, Abs. No. E-2-2, pp. 104-105, Tsukuba, Sept. 23-26, 2008.
● Kenta Kajikawa, Tetsuo Tabei, and Hideo Sunami, “An infrared Silicon Optical Modulator of Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Capacitor Based on Accumulation-Carrier Absorption,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 04C107-1-4, 2009.

図14 解析を行った構造

図15 光伝搬波形


図16 実験との比較

(1) 高次のモードほど多結晶Siによる損失が大きい:導波路内での反射回数は高次になるほど多くなるので、低次モードが支配的であり、図15の実験結果はそのことをよく示している。
(2) ゲート酸化膜が厚いほど消光比が小さくなる:これはゲート酸化膜が厚いほど光をコア内部に閉じ込める効果が高くなり、光と反転層電子の相互作用が小さくなるためと考えられる。閉じ込め効果を小さくするにはゲート酸化膜をできるだけ薄くし、可能ならば屈折率がコアであるSiに近いほうが効果的である。

● Tetsuo Tabei, Tomoki Hirata, Kenta Kajikawa, and Hideo Sunami, “Potentiality of Silicon Optical Modulator Based on Free-Carrier Absorption,” Technical Digest of IEEE Internat. Electron Devices Meeting, pp. 1023-1026, Washington, D. C., Dec. 10-12, 2007.
● Tetsuo Tabei, Tomoki Hirata, Kenta Kajikawa, and Hideo Sunami, “Potentiality of Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Silicon Optical Modulator Based on Free Carrier Absorption,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 114501-1-7, 2009.
● E. A. J. Marcatili, "Dielectric Rectangular Waveguide and Directional Coupler for Integrated Optics," Bell Syst. Tech. J., Vol. 48, pp. 2071-2102, 1969.

図17 インテル発表のモジュレータ構造

図18 マッハツェンダー型と自由電子吸収型


● Ansheng Liu, Richard Jones, Ling Liao, Dean Samara-Rubio, Doron Rubin, Oded Cohen, Remus Nicolaescu, and Mario Paniccia, "A high-speed silicon optical modulator based on a metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitor," Nature pp. 165-167, 2004.

Motivation of research  Soon after I began with doing research at Research Center for Nanodevices and Systems, Hiroshima University in 1998, I made up my mind to contribute to the center as well as to realize 3-D device ideas which I had devised while working in a company. Since the center was known as one of proposers of optical integrated circuits I started a small project in silicon optoelectronics field.
 A research target of this project was an optical modulkator based on free-carrier absorption. We succeeded in an operation of the mudulator first in 2006. Furthermore, much more efficient operation was obtained in 2007. We thought that this modulation mechanism had been proposed first by us at that time. But we realized in August 2008 that this idea had already been proposed by pioneers (G. V. Treyz, Paul G. May, Jean-Marc Halbout, "Silicon Optical Modulators at 1.3 mm Based on Free-Carrier Absorption," IEEE Electron Dev Lett., Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 276-278, June 1991) when we got suggestions from a journal paper reviewer.
 When I, as a nonprofessional engineer in the field of optoelectronics, proposed this idea, there existed some possibilities that this had already been proposed by others. This became real. We realized that an invenstigation for prior works was essential when we set about the new research. The procedure of the research is described here.  
First device fabricated
PWe planned that inversion carriers, which were used as free carriers for infrared light absorbers, were controlled by a gate of an MOS transistor. Interaction between infrared light and inversion carriers is not strong, a comb-shaped gate was applied in order to increase the carrier density. That was just a beam-channel transistor, BCT as shown in Fig. 1. A part of the transistor is shown in Fig. 2.
PAbsorption analyses together with fabricated devices were presented at the fall meeting of Japan Society of Applied Physisc in September 2000, as shown in Fig. 3 one and half years after the research start.

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of silicon beam-channel transistor

Fig. 2 31-silicon beams covered by polysilicon film

Fig. 3 A proposal of an optical switch presented at the fall meeting of Japan Society of Applied physics.

PWe did not succeeded in oprtical switching. Major reason was speculated that we did not use silicon-on-insulator, SOI substrate. We did not have that substrate at the research start and we thought alignment accuracy was not so critical for the light beam and the silicon beam as an optical waveguide. Therefore, input infrared light almost ran away from the waveguide going through the silicon substrate. We could not afford to fabricated another transistor with SOI substrate however, we confirmed that infrared light was confined inside SOI waveguide as shown in Fig. 4.
PWe could not achieve the original target plan however, we succeeded in beam-channel transistor operation as descived in 3-D transistor section. From this research results, 3-D device project started.

Fig. 4 1.55mm infrared output light come from SOI waveguide(infrared video camera image).

● T. Furukawa, H. Yamashita, and H. Sunami, “Corrugated-Channel Transistor (CCT) for Area-Conscious Applications,” Extended Abstracts of International Symp. on Solid State Devices and Materials, Abs. No. A-3-2, pp. 139-140, Nagoya, Sept. 17-19, 2002.
● T. Furukawa, H. Yamashita,?and H. Sunami, “A Proposal of Corrugated-Channel Transistor (CCT) with Vertically-Formed Channels for Area-Conscious Applications,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 42, Part 1, No. 4B, pp. 2067-2072, April 2003.

Optimum waveguide design
PIt was confirmed at the first fabrication that SOI substrate was essential for the success, an invetigation for suitable clad material selection was carried out. Since the clad becomes a gate of an MOS transistor, it should be electrically conductive. But highly conductive clad strongly absorbs the infrared light making it to be no more clad.
PTherefore, we have chosen first indium-tin oxide, ITO which was considerably conductive and transparent at visible light regime. But ITO is"dirty" as compared with highly purified silicon. Therefore it may make troubles in silicon integrated circuit fabrication. While, aluminum film which has high reflectivity was estimated to be suitable, but plenty of free carriers disturb light absorption by inversion carriers. A part of analyses is nshown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5 Selection of suitable clad material.

Fig. 6 Selection of suitable bend structure.

Fig. 7 1.55-mm output light at waveguiide end.

PThus, we have chosen polysilicon as the clad. It is easily deposited and has good compatibility with integrated circuit fabrication processes. By putting a silicon dioxide film with appropriate thickness in between clad and core, an influence of free carriers in the polysilicon clad was weakened.
PIn addition, an optimum design for 90-degree bend structure was chosen to avoid input light coming into output light  A structure of No. 1, as shown in Fig. 6, was confirmed to be most suitable. Taking total analyses into consideration, adequate waveguides were fabricated resulting in satisfactory results for light propagation with low loss. Figure 7 shows an example. This shows multi-mode propagation of the light.

● M. Kawai, K. Endo, T. Tabei, and H. Sunami, “An Experimental Analysis of 1.55-mm Infrared Light Propagation in Integrated SOI Structure,” Extended Abstracts of International Symp. on Solid State Devices and Materials, Abs. No. P7-1, pp. 556-557, Tokyo, Sept. 15-17, 2004.
First success in mudulation
PBased on invetigations to date, modulators, one of which is whon in Fig. 8, were designed and fabricated. Varying gate voltage lead to output ;light modulation as shown in Fig. 9. The variation rate was very small to be 0.24% but was osbserved clearly. Figure 10 shows gate voltage dependence.

Fig. 8 Fabricated modulator and the output light.

Fig. 9 A modulation result.

Fig. 10 Applied gate voltage dependence of optical response.

● Tomoki Hirata, Kenta Kajikawa, Tetsuo Tabei, and Hideo Sunami, “Proposal of a Silicon Optical Modulator Based on Inversion-Carrier Absorption,” Extended Abstracts of International Symp. on Solid State Devices and Materials, pp. 280-281, Tokyo, Sept. 19-21, 2007.
● Tomoki Hirata, Kenta Kajikawa, Tetsuo Tabei, and Hideo Sunami, “Proposal of a Metal-Oxide- Semiconductor Silicon Optical Modulator Based on Inversion-Carrier Absorption,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 47, No. 4, pp. 2906-2909, 2008.
Advanced device fabricated
PFurther improved modulators were rea;lized. To surpress infrared absorpton inside clad, the thickness of silicon dioxide was increased, otherwise, the thickness of polysilicon gate was decreased. One of fabricated devices is shown in Fig. 11. High efficiency of more than 10% was obtained as shown in Fig. 12. Good lineality of a relation between extinction ratio and applied gate voltage was observed. The applied voltage was minus then the device was operated at accumulation mode. Therefore infrared light was absorbed by holes.

Fig. 11 Fabricaed waveguide and output light.

Fig. 12 Modulationm result.

Fig. 13 Gate voltage dependence of extinction ratio

● Kenta Kajikawa, Tetsuo Tabei, and Hideo Sunami, “Silicon Optical Modulator Based on Accumulation-Carrier Absorption of Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Capacitor Waveguide,” Extended Abstracts of International Symp. on Solid State Devices and Materials, Abs. No. E-2-2, pp. 104-105, Tsukuba, Sept. 23-26, 2008.
● Kenta Kajikawa, Tetsuo Tabei, and Hideo Sunami, “An infrared Silicon Optical Modulator of Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Capacitor Based on Accumulation-Carrier Absorption,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 04C107-1-4, 2009.

Analyses of mudulation mechanism
PModulation mechanisms were analyzed theoretically to support experimetal results obtained to date. Light propagation with muliple-reflections which occur at core-clad interface were simulated.
PIn these analyses, light intensity variation under gate voltage application was aimed to be analyzed. To take into consideration complex refractive index, assumptions were made as follows;
(1) wave number vector was calculated with a simplified structure consisting of silicon core and polysilicon clad structure;
(2) number of reflecting times was calculated by incident angle of light and waveguide length from wave vector;
(3) propagation light intensity was calculated with number of reflecting times nad incident angle at silicon/ inversion layer/ SiO2/ polysilicon structure, as shown in Fig. 14.

Fig. 14 A structure analized.

Fig. 15 Propagation wave forms without inversion carrier absorption.

Fig. 16 Comparison with experimentals.

PThe analyses generated light propagation characteristics. One exmple is shown in Fig. 15. In addition, comparison between analyses and experimentaal results is nshown in Fig. 16. They coincide well each other. In analyses, characteristics as descibed below were found.
(1) Loss with polysilicon is enhanced at highr mode : since number of reflection tiems increases with the increase in grade of mode, lower mode of propagation becomes dominant as shown in Fig. 15.
(2) Extinction ratio becomes smaller with the increase in gate oxide thickness : the thicker gate oxide enhances confinement of light inside core resulting in less interaction between the light and inversion carriers. To reduce the confinement effect, thinner gate oxide and the refractive index which is equivalent to that of core silicon are desirable.

● Tetsuo Tabei, Tomoki Hirata, Kenta Kajikawa, and Hideo Sunami, “Potentiality of Silicon Optical Modulator Based on Free-Carrier Absorption,” Technical Digest of IEEE Internat. Electron Devices Meeting, pp. 1023-1026, Washington, D. C., Dec. 10-12, 2007.
● Tetsuo Tabei, Tomoki Hirata, Kenta Kajikawa, and Hideo Sunami, “Potentiality of Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Silicon Optical Modulator Based on Free Carrier Absorption,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 114501-1-7, 2009.
● E. A. J. Marcatili, "Dielectric Rectangular Waveguide and Directional Coupler for Integrated Optics," Bell Syst. Tech. J., Vol. 48, pp. 2071-2102, 1969.
Intel's prior work
POn the course of our research, a modulator of almost the same structure was published from Intel in 2004 (see the reference below). This utilizes an MOS capacitor as shown in Fig. 17. Refractive index varies with hole concentration at p-type silicon and n-type silicon interface leading to optical length variation. Then, the output light varies very fast and to a great extent at Mach-Zehnder interferometer.

Fig. 17 A modulator structure Intel published.

Fig. 18 Mach-Zehnder type (a) and free-carrier absorption type (b).

PSince Mach-Zehnder type interferometer uutilizes very small variation of optical length, extinction ratio strongly depends on wavelength of the light as shown in Fig. 18 (a). Therefore, bandwidth of the light is very narrow. Otherwise, free-carrier absorption type which we have proposed depends very weakly on wavelength as shown in Fig. 18 (b). Thus, this features simultaneous modulation for wide range of propagation light leading to some novel application.

● Ansheng Liu, Richard Jones, Ling Liao, Dean Samara-Rubio, Doron Rubin, Oded Cohen, Remus Nicolaescu, and Mario Paniccia, "A high-speed silicon optical modulator based on a metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitor," Nature, pp. 165-167, 2004.

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